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Leeds & Hunslet Schools' Rugby League
Current Officers:
Chairman/Secretary: Steve Boothroyd
Treasurer Peter Woodhead

T V Harrison, the first Chairman of LSRFU, 1903-04, and also the first Chairman of HSRFU, 1921-29.

Peter Woodhead has the longest-ever continuous service record of any Officer: he has been Treasurer of LSRL and L&HSRL since 1985.
Here he is preparing to referee at Wembley in 1992.
Past Officers of Leeds SRFU, Leeds SRL, Leeds & Hunslet SRL
Past Officers of Hunslet SRFU, Hunslet SRL, Hunslet & Morley SRL
Past Officers of Morley SRL
Past Officials of Airedale & Wharfedale District SRL
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